Another fun event with Visit Newport Beach! This one was part of their Endless Summer events that lasted two days. A group of influencers were invited to experience all things Newport Beach which began with a dinner at Vea and the next morning doing a workout on the beach. We had the beach set up with yoga blankets, personalized water bottles, and a delicious healthy spread for them to enjoy after. Check out all of the amazing details below captured by Kaylyn Noonan. You can see the other events here and here, we still have one more to share!

First guests were greeted by a beautiful sign from Chelcea Creative.

Second, our wow moment was a statement backrop from Goldie Crew Creative. We displayed personalized water bottles for our guests to use during their workout made by Chelcea. The powerful colors in Visit Newport’s signature hues were definitely eye catching with that beach backdrop.

Next our guests took to their yoga blankets on the sand and were lead through a yoga workout by Lala Holsapple.

After the workout a delicious and healthy spread by Taylor Made Catering was laid out for them to enjoy. The ladies sat on the sand with rentals from Sweet Salvage Rentals and enjoyed the slow beach morning. It was a great way to start the day and see the beauty of Newport Beach!

Thank you for having us Visit Newport!