deck the halls.
It’s not Christmas until these classic cornflake Christmas wreath cookies are out to consume! Much of us grew up with these nostalgic cookies every holiday season. They were either given in a cookie exchanges, at the holiday grazing table, or you were the giver. Either way, everyone has nibbled on these delish and addicting cookies. My mother in law does these every year, and it’s something I look forward for Christmas. Now, you might be saying, these are not the traditional green with the 3 cinnamon red-hot candies. No, they aren’t, but I promise you they taste the same! I thought it would be fun and cute to make them a little bit more girly. Changed out green for pink food dye, and added an edible bow and fun bells. You know we love a good pink Christmas.

*photography by Dayna Studios
Tips and Tricks.
I think the best tip when it comes to working with marshmallow, especially melting ones. It’s gonna be messy no matter what! Non-stick cooking spray will be your bff here. Have it near by to help with the mallows sticking to your hands or the pan, or even the spoon. Spray it on all those things. It will help you out.
My other tip for this recipe is to give the marshmallow treats a few minutes to cool down before you shape them. Give it about 2-3 minutes to cool before shaping the wreaths. But don’t go to long, after 5-7 they become hard.

5 Star Ingredients
butter. I have played around with regular butter vs. vegan butter. I can’t that much a difference, so if you want to switch out, totally do so! I have done it often. Butter will help with the marshmallows not sticking to the pan.
marshmallows. A very much needed key ingredient. Now, there are different sizes and flavors for marshmallows. They have vanilla, strawberry, and even peppermint. For me, just the classic sized marshmallow will be perfect. You can do the mini size too. It will help it melt faster.
cornflake cereal. Even though I went off the beaten path and make the wreaths pink, I stayed to the classic and traditional ingredients, so I did cornflakes. I like the size that and the look it gives the wreaths. A more natural rustic look. You can most certainly do rice crispy treats, but I stuck with the classic.
Food gel. I like to use food gel vs. food coloring. There really isn’t much difference, I think it’s a personal preference. I like the gel as I feel I can get a brighter and bolder color with only one drop where as the food coloring you may need more drops.
Edible ribbon decor. This is another step we went off the beaten path. We omitted the red-hot candies for an edible red bow. Think a thin licorice. You can find these online, I found mine here. Its just gives it a more updated look I think.

Holiday Marshmallow Wreath Cookies
- 4 tbsp Butter
- 3 cups Mini Marshmallows
- 4 cups Cornflake Cereal
- Pink food gel
- Edible bow ribbon
- Small bell for decor
- Add butter and marshmallows to a large pot.
- Place on the stove over a medium-low heat and let marshmallows melt, stirring occasionally.
- Once the marshmallows have melted, add in food coloring. You can OF COURSE do the classic green color, we just love pink.
- Add in the cereal and stir everything together.
- Using a large cookie scoop coated in cooking spray to prevent sticking, scoop out a large portion of the marshmallow treats. Then use your thumb to gently press a hole in the middle, using your fingers to gently form a round shape with the treats.
- Take your edible red ribbon and make a bow and place on the cookie while it’s still sticky. You can pre-make the bows so you can still stick them on while they aren’t fully cooled and hard yet. Then add if you would like some brass bells for deco. They are NOT edible. Just for styling :)