Yep, another Easter party inspiration for you!! Since we shared an adult table with Pottery Barn earlier this week, we thought it was only appropriate to share a little something for the kiddos with Pottery Barn Kids today!
Easter morning is always a fun time. The Easter Bunny has come and hid the eggs and your own little bunnies are so excited! I absolutely love having a holiday where brunch or breakfast is a must. It is the most important meal of the day! So we decided to highlight that morning time and share how you can make it just a little more special… Scroll down to see it all!
Photos by the talented Alison Bernier

My kitchen was ready for the little bunnies to come out of their burrows! With bright morning light and a cute little set up, what more could they ask for?!

Pottery Barn Kids has the cutest Peter Rabbit collection. You may remember our Peter Rabbit party from last year, so you know I love it… What I love about these is that everything is disposable! So quick and easy clean up, and what mom doesn’t love that?!
They have the plates, cups and napkins all with the sweetest pale blue and our favorite little bunny.

Of course we had to add in some extra pretty! Like these gorgeous spring florals by Not Just in Novels. I love the pastel tones and the wildness of it all. Looks like it was picked right out of Mr. McGregor’s garden.

Only the cutest signage from our friend Leanna Retterath of David & Leanna. Of course she created more cuteness…

Like these adorable bunny chargers!! She engraved each little bunny’s name on them and I’m obsessed!

And how about the cute stirrers and drink markers?! Her details always make me so happy! I live for this stuff, and I know that sounds sad, haha!

I really loved this table! So many cute details with the eggs and the runner of Easter grass. Can Easter be every day?!

But don’t worry, there’s more cuteness!! Bunny ears are a must on Easter Sunday and we added them into the place settings! Do your kids comply and wear them?! Luckily mine do!

And of course Easter baskets! PBK has a great selection and the personalization factor is key! Plus, all the little (or big) plush animals to go inside that your kids could ever desire!

Aren’t these the cutest baskets?! Love that little pom pom nose!

Now, lets talk about the food and drink! I mean, every party needs that of course… We have our little drink set up and really you just have to add some champagne for the adults. Because early holiday mornings call for mimosas my friends!
I added the Happy Easter Garland Sign from PBK and isn’t it adorable?! I’m always a sucker for sparkle and pom poms! Plus the little Glitter Pom Pom Tree is just adorable. I swear, they have the best decor!!

For breakfast we served pancakes! I added a bit of food dye to each mix to add into our colors – pink, green and blue! The pancake pens I got from Williams Sonoma are super handy, I had never used them before but now there’s no going back!

And how cute are these little Easter themed pancake molds? So festive and such a fun idea for the kiddos!! Now I just have to learn to master them to perfection…

I also got some fun Easter cookie cutters that I used to cut fruit. Just really getting my Easter game going strong over here!

Oh… and about those little people we are doing this all for…

Enter in the crazies!!!! As a parent it’s a lot of work to get everything together for the holidays, and yes it can be stressful. But seeing those little faces light up is 100%, no 1,00,000% worth it!!
Any morning holiday deserves some cute pajamas! We had the boys decked out in these Peter Rabbit pjs and the girls in these cute Pastel Bunny ones.

Little Rooney loves her bunny!!

My Cruz loves his “Big Bunny” as he calls him! And I think he’s ready to hunt for some eggs!

How cute is Charlotte?! Adorable!

Cruz’s buddy River got in on the fun!!!

And of course my girl Weslyn had to be invited, she’s the sweetest!

What do you think? Are these little bunnies ready to hop on into the Easter festivities or what?!

Let’s get ready parents!!! Shop the post below – hop to it!!!