A charcuterie tray is a fun, stylish, trendy, and creative way to supply nibbles for those hungry guests. Especially for the holidays, it’s the perfect time to create some festive food art. Don’t be intimidated by it either! But if it still scares you, I’m giving you the step by step on how to create this fun holiday wreath.
1st, before we begin, I have to gush over my new obsession to get everything from cheese to smoked turkey, and all on one site! You know them, it’s our friends at Harry & David! My husband’s aunt would always send us goodies from them every year around this time, and it was so exciting to see what she picked for us to try. She was a big fan of all the cheeses and salamis. I have partnered with Harry & David to save your holiday party!
Photos by Dayna Studios

Holiday Charcuterie Wreath
SERVES: 6-8 people | PREP: 20/30 MINUTES | COOK: 0 MINUTES
W H A T Y A N E E D!
Ultimate Charcuterie and Cheese Collection
Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon
Dried Fruit
Mixed Nuts
Country Cranberry Relish
Royal Riviera Pear Cranberry Chutney
Sweet Clover Honey
Ceramic Ramekins
Royal Riviera Pears
B U S T O U T:
Big White Plate
H O W T O!

1. First, pull out a large white glass tray. It is a holiday wreath, so round works the best. If you don’t have one, you can do this right on your countertop too! But, be sure to clean it and sanitize it, or put some parchment paper on it.

2. Start with the base of any wreath, the greenery. I used rosemary. Rosemary is lovely to use as it will bend for you a little bit. Sage is also great, but sadly it was not in the stores yet when I went. You can also do a mix of herbs too! You can create a full circle or do an asymmetrical look as I did. I think it gives it a more updated modern look. Save some rosemary for later to add in more “greenery” details at the end.

3. Next up, the meats! I started in the middle and worked my way out on each side. I like to clump groups of 3’s. Leave plenty of space in between the groups of meats to allow for the rest of your items. I wanted to follow the same color group, so I started to add some dried fruits next to the meats. I used some dried peaches to act as a “floral” detail that you see on some wreaths. Bunch them in the middle. Then add some other colored dried fruits around the meats. Notice that I didn’t go all the way up with the meats and dried fruits. I left some room to see the greenery and to have room for the cheeses.

4. Its cheese time! I used all white cheese and clumped each type of cheese together. I took cheese wedges and broked them into small bite-sizes to it will be easy to grab and eat.

5. Nuts! Sprinkle some nuts around the wreath, and also create some clumps.
6. Pears! Harry and David have the best pears! I cut one pear into slices and fanned it out and placed it on the bottom of the wreath near the dried peaches.
7. Details! The last step, add in the final details. Place some more rosemary around the wreath to make it look full. I also used pink peppercorn and placed around to add that pink color we love too much! Add in a velvet ribbon to give it that official wreath look. Serve with some honey and cranberry chutney. And don’t forget the crackers and wine!
