We covered the girls with the ultimate rainbow party last week, this week it’s the boy’s turn!!! I asked you what you wanted to see more of from us and a majority of you said “more boy parties!” Well, this year I will try to deliver that. As a boy mom, I’m a little embarrassed that I don’t do enough!
So this one is for the boys, and these boys are ready to ROCK! ShamROCK that is!! We gathered the boys in my front yard for a skate sesh, some treats, and a whole lot of green! Keep scrolling to see this cute idea for a fun St. Patrick’s Day party!!
Photos by my girl Corrie Lynn Photo

The table is set!! My friend David & Leanna did the cutest black shamrocks to go with our green plates from Oh Happy Day Party Shop. Then I added Daydream Society’s black and white napkins & cups and Sophistiplate’s black and white flatware. Other adorable details by David & Leanna were those rock and roll place cards and stir sticks. So fun, right?! Rock on!!

How cute are those black chairs?! I’m obsessed with this new addition to Sweet Salvage Rental’s always growing amazing collection!
Of course, we had to have balloons! The Pop Shop always makes my balloon dreams come true, aren’t these colors SO fun?!

If you’re gonna have a rad rock and roll party, you better have some disco balls and skateboards!! That’s a MUST!

Something that can be tricky for boy parties is florals. My advice, always to go neutral and add in greens! These were absolutely perfect for this party! Not Just in Novels always knows what to do!! I love those leafy greens she used!

Sometimes you just use what you have for styling! I used my own disco balls with my boy’s skateboards! It makes it all a little more interesting and fun!

Let’s take a closer look at those rad details by David & Leanna! I can’t get over those adorable layered acrylic place cards.

Is your house covered with dirty vans all over the place like mine??

Onto desserts!!! Our friend Jeanette at Really Cute Sweets went all out with some fun treats! And they were all set on the perfect black table from Sweet Salvage Rentals, another gem I didn’t even know she had!!

Each of the desserts Really Cute Sweets created was even more fun than the last! That cake!!! I love the cookie guitar topper and the disco balls!

Dying over those cupcake toppers!!! And the adorable shamrock cookies too!!

Our friends at The Jolly Sheep couldn’t be left out of this boy bash! They brought another yummy treat that the boys absolutely loved! Wait till you see how fun and festive it was…
I adorned their cart with amazing signage from David & Leanna, love it!!!

There are our wild boys!!!! They are all looking cute in their Chaser Kids tees and pants. You know we always love Chaser, they have such fun graphics and everything is SO soft!!
PS, when I did this shoot I quickly remembered why I don’t normally do boy’s shoots… As I said, they were WILD!!! Ha!

Moving on over to our cute table!

These boys had so much fun together!!!

Time for a little skate sesh! We got these ramps right when Covid began and they were a great way to keep my boys busy, and all the other neighborhood kids too!

Time for Jolly Sheep’s special treat – Snow cones!!! We did green snow cones with a yummy kiwi topper!!! Boy were these boys excited!!!

They were such a hit!!!! Definitely gotta get these for all the warm weather parties!

There’s my buddy Rory!!! Isn’t he a cutie?! He came just in time for treats!

Time for even MORE treats!!!!

Did we shamROCK you?! I hope so!!!

More St. Patrick’s Day fun coming at ya this week!!
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