Lemon Ricotta Poppy Seed Waffles with Warm Raspberry Syrup

By September 6, 2018 No Comments

A couple of years ago, my husband and I had a little staycation in San Francisco right before our daughter was born. And by a couple of years ago, I mean eight years ago! Time why do you go by so fast!!? We got fancy and stayed at the Four Seasons. I had the most amazing, to die for lemon ricotta poppy seed pancakes. These pancakes were so good guys; there was a warm, sweet raspberry syrup drizzled on top of these fluffy lemon poppy seed cakes. Yum yum!

I was thinking about them the other day, and thought hey maybe I can try and make these into waffles! So I did! And they are pretty legit. So here is how to make them! Just FYI, these babies take some time and love.

Photos by Dayna Studios


Lemon-Ricotta Poppy Seed Waffles

6 large organic eggs, separated
1/2 teaspoon salt

Warm Raspberry Syrup

P L U S   Y O U   W I L L   N E E D…

electric mixer
waffle maker
citrus zester
mixing bowls


Let’s start with making our raspberry sauce. Pour your raspberries into a small saucepan with one cup water and 1/2 cup sugar. Place on medium heat, and let the sugar dissolve and raspberries start to boil. Once boiling turn down to simmer, and let the magic happen. Stir occasionally. You can mash up some of your raspberries or puree if you like it less chunky. Keep warm until ready to serve. You can also bottle them up and keep in the fridge for about a week.

In a large bowl, beat together ricotta, butter, egg yolks, and vanilla. Make sure the butter is room temperature, and not hot. You will scramble your eggs. And we aren’t making eggs here today! Next, in a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, lemon zest, and poppy seeds. Using a rubber spatula, stir flour mixture into ricotta mixture.

*Beijos Tip: I like to make prep the night before as much as I can so it’s pretty easy the next morning. Leave your butter out so its ready, put together your dry ingredients, and store your eggs in the fridge ready to go. But you will have to do your egg whites that morning, can’t do those the night before. 

Place egg whites in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, or a hand mixer. Beat until they firm, glossy peaks. This takes about 3-4 minutes.

Fold a large spoonful of whipped egg whites into ricotta mixture. Continue folding in remaining egg whites. The mixture is thin so don’t freak out. This was originally a pancake batter; so you can do both pancakes and waffles.

Coat your hot waffle griddle with oil or butter. Pour your waffle mixture into your griddle and let the griddle do its job. Cook until golden. When getting them out of the griddle, use a spatula cause this waffles will be hot, and they are soft so its a little hard to get them out. Place on a serving plate and serve with fresh berries and the warm raspberry syrup.

B E I J O S   K I T C H E N




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