Did you know that today is National Pi Day? Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi). Are you getting a headache just thinking about all those math problems you had to solve in school? Being math-challenged, there will be no discussions of complex math equations today. Instead, we will celebrate with eating our Pi! So much easier, and well its pie… so who doesn’t love that? My husband is a huge strawberry rhubarb lover, so I wanted to see if I could create a pie that would surpass the bakery one he loves so much. I have to say, its a winner! And it’s gluten-free, dairy-free, and uses all organic fruit. So it’s totally ok that I ate half the pie myself. Sorry, not sorry.
So Happy Pi Day friends! Spend it stuffing your face with pie!

4 cups organic rhubarb pieces
2 cups sliced organic strawberries
1 cup sugar
¼ cup corn starch
1 Tablespoon lemon juice or 1-2 drops of DoTerra Lemon Essential Oil
½ cup sorghum flour
3 Tablespoons brown sugar