Spring is upon us and what better way to kick things off than with a sexy little dinner party?! Our friends at Sur La Table introduced us to the Charlotte collection. A new collection with pretty and elegant pieces that we turned into one sexy table setting. With candles lit along the table, lots of spring greens, and a delicious menu of appetizers and wine this is a party you’ll want to join. Even if the party is just for you and your hubby, we promise! See all of the gorgeous photos by Alison Bernier and inspiration for your own sexy dinner party below!

First we have our amazing invite suite! Chelcea Creative does it yet again with the details. These are a mix of modern, whimsy, and of course sexy! Spring refined, invite only!

Onto this gorgeousness! We were able to take this party to The Estate on Second. With stunning lighting and light fixtures, a brick wall backdrop and sleek black floors this venue really bumped up the sexy factor. Of course we had to add our own spin on it! With the collection being so elegant and classic we chose black and white as our main colors with pops of spring greens. This made it moody and sexy but also light and bright. Such a lovely combination…

Now, this is a beautiful shot! The table was set with the Charlotte plates, both dinner and salad, silver flatware, dark placemats, and sleek wine glasses paired with a dark tumbler. I used both red and white wine glasses because at this dinner party you drink both! Lastly, the place setting was finished off with black linen napkins, dark wood napkin rings and details by Chelcea Creative.

In order to make our table pop we enlisted the talented Goldie Crew Creative to bring in a custom backdrop. With black and white modern lines this really set the tone against the brick wall. Of course Sweet Salvage Rentals joined in on the fun! She brought her fabulous white dining table and gorgeous new chairs. The textures are all so lovely together.

The gorgeous greenery and floral arrangements are by the talented Krista of Not Just in Novels. Nothing is better than spring season and the beautiful flowers it gives us!

Sur La Table had these pretty candle holders I couldn’t resist adding to the table. The green color is so eye-catching and I added black candles to add to the sexy vibe. Obviously candles always set the mood!

This is so elegant and refined! I want an invite to this one!!

In addition to that pretty table we had pretty food! Jay’s Catering delivered the perfect menu for this sexy dinner. Delicious small bites along with a dark & decadent chocolate dessert and cocktails, of course!

Without a doubt we need cocktails! Cocktails and wine are a must at a sexy dinner party, or any for that matter. Let’s start with this gorgeous new bar set from Sweet Salvage Rentals. Black and rattan mixed looks so distinguished. Not Just in Novels topped it with pretty greens & florals and Chelcea Creative added the perfect bar sign as well to create this perfect set up.

I’m loving these classic cocktails that Jay’s Catering added to our menu. You can’t go wrong with a good martini or old fashioned!

Now it’s time to light those candles and set the mood…

Turn on Marvin Gaye and call it a night! Haha…

Obviously, I’ll be there to pour the wine!

And there’s my girl Krista with her pretty flowers!!

A big thanks to all of my ladies here who made this shoot happen, Lauren, Marnie, and Krista – cheers to us!!

You can shop the Charlotte collection here, spring never looked so sexy…