Does anyone else have a child that makes not only a Christmas list but also a don’t forget the 12 days of Christmas fun list and activities while playing Christmas records in June!?!? Yes, I have one of those, and I think she would celebrate Christmas year-round if she could. You got to love seeing Christmas thru the eyes of kids. I never really got it until they got a little bit older. Each year, I will do 12 days of Christmas, or like last year I did a holiday earring advent calendar for my daughter. See it here. This year, I had pinatas on my mind. Pinatas are such a hit for kids, and you can fill them with just about anything. I turned to Lula Flora for all my pinatas’ needs; she makes the cutest ones for every season too!
Photos by Dayna Studios

This year, I placed the pinatas on the kid’s Christmas tree, and they were so excited to see them when they got home from school. What’s excellent about piñatas for the 12 days of Christmas is filling them with anything. I did a mix of candy and small little treats like nail stickers, holiday bracelets, and even card games.
How cute are these guys!?!

To add to this fun scene are the cutest paper trees from Love of Character. It’s like a little forest of holiday fun under the tree. My daughter said she would keep them up all year long in her room. I told you she was crazy about Christmas!

I hope this brings a little holiday joy and alternative ways for the 12 days of Christmas. These are great for holiday wrapping too! Shop the piñatas below, plus some of the goodies I put in the piñatas.