I have always really loved to work out. Growing up I was always playing sports, soccer was my main love, and with it came lots of running and exercise. I took that passion for running with me as I became an adult and still to this day love to run, I love to have my own time listening to my iPod and run along the beach near my house. I am definitely the girl who likes a good hard workout that gets you sweaty and has you aching the next day, that’s when you know it was a good one! When I was getting married I worked out like a crazy woman! I did spin, pilates, barre, ran and loved working out with my amazing trainer Cam. I was a bit extreme, but hey, it was crazy bride diet time!!
Fast forward 3 years later and now I have a toddler, work like crazy, and it’s very hard to find some me time. It seems like as a mom everyone comes first, your kids, your husband, your job, I even usually put our dog’s needs before my own! Working out is something I truly love, I love the way I feel when doing it and I love the satisfying way I feel afterwards, but needless to say, I’m doing a lot less of it lately.
Right after Court was born I was able to work out a bit more, I obviously waited until my Dr. gave me the ok, but as soon as she did I was back at the gym with Cam. It was so much easier then! Court was a newborn so he would just sleep while I worked out with her, but as he got older it got a lot more difficult, and with how active he is now, it’s impossible to bring him with me. So now working out requires a babysitter, which is usually my mom or mother in law when they are in town, or my husband.
But my goal for the Summer is to get back in shape and to really make an effort to make more “me time”. Cozy Orange gifted us the cutest new workout clothes to help motivate me and get me going!! I am dusting off that jogging stroller I made my husband buy me and taking Court on a few runs a week and re-visiting my old buddy Cam. Since we are talking about health and fitness this week on the blog I thought I would introduce you to her and show you some of the workouts she does with me!
I love working out with Cam for so many reasons; she’s inspiring, she’s motivating, she’s reassuring, she’s knowledgeable, and she’s a major hottie… She basically kicks some serious butt.
I started working out with Cam almost 10 years ago! I fell in love with her right away and now consider her a very close friend. She has the perfect gym set up in her house and always has a fun new workout for me to try.
What I love most is that Cam is always challenging me and having me work out different parts of my body that I would never do on my own. We focus mainly on circuit training and weights and I have truly seen her transform my body and other clients as well. One major thing she has taught me is that muscle has memory, so I plan on working out a lot with her before I have baby #2, so bouncing back afterwards is that much easier!
We start every session with 5 minutes of cardio! And a little gossiping ;)
Next is usually a few ab workouts, this is one of my favorites that really works that lower belly…
I love doing this side lunge, it works the outer and inner thighs, which could definitely use a little work these days!
Next we focus on my back with the lat pull downs, gotta look good in those tank tops ladies!!
Now we do arms… We do biceps and one arm rows…
Cam is great at pushing me, even when I’m being lazy… we try and move up in weights so I’m getting a real good workout… No “sissy la la’s” as she would say!
Next squats!! Anything I can do to lift my butt, consider it done!! We add a medicine ball in for that extra burn… Usually after doing a few sets of these it hurts to sit down the next day, yikes!
We’ll generally do 3 sets of these moves with some sort of cardio mixed in between… jump rope, running, elliptical, spinning or rowing to get my heart rate up… And last we’ll end with another ab… This one is a killer – the dreaded can opener!!! Don’t be fooled by the smile on my face, these are basically torture… And notice how Cam seems to be enjoying said torture ;)
Thank you Cozy Orange for the amazing new workout gear!! There’s nothing like feeling good after a work out, but looking good while doing it is a definite win!! How cute is their sports bra too!? And it definitely held the girls in well! Love the fun colors!!
Here is what I wore for my workout…
Bra, Shirt, Shorts
And don’t forget to stretch after your workout… Or you’ll definitely pay for it the next day!
Here’s to looking good and taking care of ourselves this Summer, but most importantly feeling good!
I’m excited to get back on the workout wagon and stay motivated!! And thanks to Cam for always helping me stay fit!!
All photos by Megan Welker