Boy do we love our mini sessions with my friend Alison Bernier! It’s always a treat to see all the sweet families that come out for them! This time we did one for Father’s Day and I don’t know about you, but there’s something about seeing dads with kids that makes my heart swell!! It’s just the cutest, and so are all of these photos!! And as always, stay up to date with our mini sessions via our Instagram, I’m sure we will plan another fun one soon!!!
We were back at SOCO & the OC Mix for these sessions, one of our favorite spots for sure!! Alison used some items from my house and the chair from her house to create the set, you know with two boys I have quite a bit of blue ;) MV Florals did the beautiful floral arrangements and that gorgeous pop of balloon color is from our friend Ellen at The Pop Shop! Pretty cute set if I do say so myself!!
Now, on to the cuteness, starting with this cute daddy + daughter duo!

Brother & Sister cuteness, then daddy and then the whole fam bam!

Hey, I know this guy and his little monkeys! My favorite neighbors :)

Ok, these two are too cute!!! TIGHT hugs!!

So sweet, I love seeing the dads & daughters, just the cutest!!

These happy little sports fans!! I’m assuming Daddy likes the Cubs ;)

And now for some baby love, newbies to the mini sessions and looking oh so cute!

Love this Dad doing double duty!!

How sweet are these two?! Love the cuddles!

Mommy got in on the action too!

More smiley babies, because can you ever really get enough?!

So many smiles for Dad from this crew!!

Loving the brother love here!!

Can we talk about cuteness?! These sisters, and their hair!! I’m jealous!

And more cute babies, just keep em coming, right?!

This silly girl! You can tell how much she adores her Dad!

Such a sweet family!!!

Look how cute this family is?! And style for days!

Happy faces all around here!!

These two look like twins!! Love the happiness in these photos!

This brother & sister duo cuddling made me smile!

Such a sweet family that was just walking by and decided to jump in! Love that spontaneity!

Some sweet photos of these pretty ladies for a special Dad out there!

And I’ll end it on this sweet baby girl! Because she’s just adorable!

Thanks again to everyone who came out! Looking forward to seeing you all at the next session!!!