It’s a Pirate Life For Me 4th Birthday Party for Court

By June 27, 2018 8 Comments

I can’t believe my little Court is another year older!  Big boy turned 4 this past spring, and the years just keep going faster.  Like seriously, can some one slow it down?!  It feels like yesterday I was holding this little nugget in my arms and now he’s running all over the place!!

This year Court had a bad accident at school and broke his arm pretty badly requiring surgery.  So we had to push his party out a bit, and well, I wanted to make it extra special.  There’s nothing like seeing your baby on an operating table, let me tell you!  I knew he was going to break some bones, he’s a wild and crazy boy, I just didn’t think it would be this young, you know?  It tugged on my mama heart strings and made me go a little over the top.

His request this year was pirates!  If you know him, you know he has an affinity to dress up in costumes.  Every day he’s a different character.  To be honest he changed his mind multiple times about his party, but I had to stick with something so this was it.  He continues to request a different themed party almost daily… I’ve created a monster my friends.

Back to pirates!!  I love taking these classic party themes and doing a Beijos spin on them.  Yes, these party themes have been done.  I’ve done dinosaur, super hero and now pirates.  But how do you make them cute and not cheesy?!  Well, just keep on scrolling and I’ll show you!  But first, how about this cute little 4 year old face?!

Thanks to my friend, neighbor and wine buddy Alison Bernier for the amazing photos!!

I love to have Meghann Miniello create the invites for my boy’s parties.  She has this way of making something so unique and cool, and so perfectly boyish.  I showed her my mood board and she made this perfect invite that I fell in love with instantly!

I used Meghann’s amazing design (because I loved it so much) for the placemats as well.  I love the waves and the sunset, it is such a cool version of a pirate scene!  My husband and I had lots of left over pallet boards from our landscaping projects so I utilized them for the kid’s tables.  Such an easy solution for kid’s parties, and it brings such a fun vibe to the party with everyone on the floor!

Rooted & Wild made magic with the florals!!  Florals for boy parties are always tough – don’t want them to be too feminine, but also don’t want to do cactus every single time.  Then I used Daydream Society’s red and white striped plates, because nothing says pirate like red and white, right?!  Lastly, Poppy Jack Shop did the cute skull and anchor drink stirrer and drift wood place card details!  Table complete!!

You know me, gotta have some balloons from Wild Child Party!!!  They make the party!!  I love, love, love the colors we used for Court’s party!!  And of course Meghann Miniello’s cheeky signage was a great touch as well!

Witty Rentals always comes through for us to make all of our parties look their best.  Luckily they’re nice enough to make our own personal parties look great too!  And… lucky for me the day I went to pick up they had just gotten this rad set up!  Love me some rattan so I snatched it immediately!

Each little one who came to the party had custom pirate hats with their names… All 48 kids – I owe Poppy Jack big time!!!

Moving on to desserts!!  Added some more fun balloons here, because duh!  And I added these photos of Court making his best pirate faces!!   Social Print Studio does these and I’m obsessed, you may have noticed that I’ve used them at quite a few parties this past year :)  And for the actual desserts, you know I had to use my girl Sweet & Saucy!!

Of course we had a cake and I used that cool wave from Meghann again.  Poppy Jack Shop made the cute acrylic and wood cake toppers for it.  Then we basically had a smorgasbord of desserts, haha!  White chocolate covered Oreos that looked like pirate coins, chocolate dipped pretzel sticks, Jolly Roger cookies, treasure map cookies, and of course cupcakes (made by my wonderful mama) with the cutest toppers.

I think every little one’s sweet tooth was fulfilled!

Love the nod to Pirates of the Caribbean, one of Court’s favorite rides at Disneyland, through-out the party!

For a fun craft I had the kids decorate their own treasure chest!  They got to play with markers, gems, puff balls and glitter!  There were also swords and crowns to play with, but the treasure chests were definitely the hit!

Blow up swords were also a fun toy for the kiddos to get wild with… Sorry parents!!

There’s the crazy birthday boy!  And my cute big boy too :)

Love both of them so much!

Cruz had to make an appearance!  Both boys are in pirate tees, Court’s was from Chaser!

And my amazing family who helps us so much with these parties!!  Seantio not pictured…

Now for some of the party guests… Starting with the Beukelman boys, looking grumpy here, but I swear they had fun!  Ha!

Our little love Charlie Brock!!

Some sweet love between Blake and Avalon!

Our buddy Everett!

I told you the Beukel-boys had fun :)

Court loves seeing characters, and last year Spider Man made his life, ha!  So this year we brought Captain Jack Sparrow over, and well, there he is!  He had the kids entertained and the parents…  The kids loved it, and it’s such a fun memory to have!!

My boys love to have bounce houses.  I was hesitant to get one after Court broke his arm (it happened on a trampoline) but I know how much they love them.  So we compromised and got an obstacle course bounce house, which let me tell you, was a HUGE hit!!  I highly recommend!!

I still can’t believe how fast they grow, what they say is true, the days are long but the years are short!!  I love having these parties, they are tons of work, but the outcome and the happy faces are always worth it!

That’s my girl Penny, taking care of that cake!!!  And that’s the perfect photo to end this party, ha!

Until next year Court… 5, eek!!!!




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