Let’s Diffuse! – Daily Essential Oil Blends

By August 21, 2017 No Comments

Crazy hippie oil lady here again! Last night, my husband and I were watching Entourage, Season 1. I know random, we couldn’t find a movie that we both agreed on, so the only logical thing to do was to binge-watch, Entourage. Do you remember the episode, where they went to Gary Busey’s art show? My husband turns and looks at me, and says ” You are so Gary Busey”. True story. I wasn’t sure if I should ask how many martinis he had, or take it as a compliment? I mean, he is a pretty weird dude, but in a free-spirit and creative way. But it was, in fact, a compliment. Where am I going with this, right? Well, after he explained how Gary B. and I are similar in the creative, free- spirit, all-natural outlook on life, it got me thinking of new diffuser blends I needed to try. I know, this is how my mind works!  I’m always on the hunt for new diffuser blends to try. I wanted to come up with some blends that would be good for getting back into the swing of things with school starting. End of the summer night blends, making dinner blend, citrus blends… you feel me? I got my essential oil pro on speed dial and hit her up for some ideas. You remember Melody right, well turns out she had the same thoughts too! So we came up with some diffuser blends and bestowing those onto you today. 

And, don’t forget about the Essential Oil Giveaway, be sure to enter! It ends this Thursday. You can become a crazy hippie oil lady too, just like me. Haha! 

Recipes by Obsessed with Essentials



grapefruit. passion. wild orange 

such refreshing and invigorating helps to inspire and uplift you, and great for times of creativity
peppermint & citrus bliss
All citrus oils are great for an uplifting aroma and for mood.  Citrus bliss is a blend that has a ton of citrus oils in it.  Peppermint is known for its invigorating smell so great for morning times to give you energy.
lime.  elevation. tangerine 
This one is for the citrus lover!  This combo smells amazing and these oils especially help those of us that are a little cranky in the morning!
balance. serenity. clary sage
When I asked all the people in my private essential oil Facebook group what oils they loved for mood almost all of them said serenity and balance.  Both of those oils are powerhouse oils at calming down emotions and stress which I think are both very high at dinner time.  I added in clarysage as well for an extra added calming benefit to help unwind before bedtime and then it also helps balance hormones which almost all of us moms could use!
white fir. citrus bliss. grapefruit. 
Instead of using a candle which almost all have toxic ingredients try diffusing this blend that smells amazing and has great benefits for your health and mood…plus it will save you a ton of money!  
white fir, citrus bliss, grapefruit
Instead of using a candle which almost all have toxic ingredients try diffusing this blend that smells amazing and has great benefits for your health and mood…plus it will save you a ton of money!  
frankincense. wild orange. balance 
Balance is the grounding blend which is the top for anxiety, frankincense, helps with inflammation in the body so if you tend to get stress and tension headaches it is a great one and then wild orange is a mood uplifter and great for anxiety as well. “In studies, orange oil reduced anxiety when it was inhaled and when applied topically, it slowed down participants’ pulse rates and breathing rates, while they also reported feeling more cheerful and vigorous.  So it’s not a sedative or a stimulant but helps to balance our your mood.
Happy Monday! 


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